My Characters
Teegan White

Character Name: Teegan Jeffrey White

Birthday: November 23

Age: 17

Year: 7

Physical Description: Teegan stands at just over six feet tall. His skin is quite fair and his brown eyes seem to scan his surroundings. His dirty blonde hair is longer, though he normally puts it in a pony tail. He's a bit on the smaller size, being only one hundred-fifty pounds, but he's well toned from years of swimming as a child. He's got a thin, shallow scar on his face that begins above his left eye and ends below the right, about an inch below his cheek bone.

Personality: Teegan is very kind to everyone until they give him a reason not to like him, which is why he doesn't like many Slytherins. He loves to have friends and just be around people. He loves it when people just show up wanting to hang out. He despises it when people push their authority on others, even when they can. He feels respect will get people farther than influence.

History: Teegan was young when he was orphaned. At the age of six, His father, who was a police officer in Los Angeles, was shot and killed in the line of duty. His mother, extremely depressed by the death of her husband, killed herself without a second thought for her two children. A few months later, his eighteen year old sister dumped him in an orphanage and left. He hasn't seen her since. At the age of seven, an elderly man adopted him, and Teegan went to live with him in his simple London home. When he recieved his Hogwarts acceptance letter, the man revealed himself as a wizard, and lives in London with Teegan when he's not at school.

Wand: 13 inch Mohagony, Dragon heartstring.
Pet: Pure Black owl named Noltoc.
Blood: Muggle-born
Favorite calss: Transfiguration
Favorite teacher: Sprout
Least Favorite class: Potions
Least Favorite teacher: Snape.


All Character names and Descriptions belong to me. Please ask before using them. Any and All pictures belong to the people who are featured in them/created them. The pictures are only used to get a better idea of the Character